Introduction to the World of Warcraft Raid Guide

Welcome to WoW Raid Guide, an indepth guide to raiding in World of Warcraft the Wrath of the Lich King and beyond!
In this blog I will be writing walkthroughs and videos on how to take down those WoW raid bosses that have been giving your guild trouble, how to survive PUGs and how to advance into the end game content of World of Warcraft with step by step instructions and guides. Ontop of how to beat WoW instance bosses I will be giving boss and class information, helping you improve how you play your character and which professions may prove useful to you in and out of the instances and raids in World of Warcraft.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Naxxramas 25 Man Guide Grand Widow Faerlina

The 25 man version of Grand Widow Faerlina can be a daunting task, on top of the four worshippers in the 10 man version of this raid Faerlina has two Followers. These should be killed straight away, they have an AoE silence and will charge random raid members, something that can easily disrupt a raid.

In the 25 man version of Grand Widow Faerlina has around 6,760,000 and has some raid testing abilities which will ensure you raid's co-ordination is enough for the coming battles in Naxxramas. Some of Faerlina's abilities will really test your abilities, they are designed to cause widespread damage as well as some huge one target damage if you are not careful.

Grand Widow Faerlina's abilities in the 25 man version of Naxx are,

  • Poison Bolt Volley - Faerlina's Poison Bolt Volley hits the closest ten players to Faerlina, it is used around every 15 seconds and deals 3300 to 4200 nature damage, as well as applying a dispellable DoT that does around 1900 to 2100 nature damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Widows Embrace prevents the use of this for 30 seconds.
  • Rain of Fire - Grand Widow Faerlina will cast her rain of fire spell repeatedly through the fight every 6 to 15 seconds. her rain of Fire spell has an 8 yard AoE radius and causes 3700 to 4300 fire damage every two seconds for six seconds.
  • Frenzy - Faerlina's frenzy can easily break a raid group, she hits for 150% more, has a 50% melee haste increase and during this time will cause 20k damage. This must be dispelled ASAP with Widow's Embrace
Grand Widow Faerline also starts this boss fight with two followers and four wirshippers. the Worshippers should be stockpiled for mind controlling and Widow's Embrace, the followers however must be nuked. In the 25 man version of this raid you need only mind control the worshippers to kill them, so at the right time a priest should mind control the worshipper with the lowest HP, move it towards Faerlina and then when stood next to her Widow's Embrace should be cast.

Technically the followers can be tanked for the entire fight, however they charge random people and have an AoE silence. For this reason I suggest your group learns to take these two adds down in under 30 seconds.

All there really is to this fight is the co-ordination on the mind controls just as frenzy hits. You need to cause some major damage fast, but with a good raid group you should have no problem taking down the boss Grand Widow Faerlina!

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Naxxramas 10 Man Guide Grand Widow Faerlina

After you have finished off Anub'Rekhan you will come across Grand Widow Faerlina. Faerlina is the skill check, as Anub is the gear check. Grand Widow Faerlina has plenty of abilities which will throw your raid group in to disarray so you must be careful to have a strong raid composition and co-ordination to ensure that this boss takedown goes as well as possible.

Grand Widow Faerlina starts the fight with around 2,230,000 hp and four worshippers, these are integral to the fight and must be controlled carefully. but first lets go over Grand Widow Faerlina's 10 man raid abilities.

  • Poison Bolt Volley - Faerlina's Poison Bolt Volley will hit the three closest players to her for 2600 to 3400 damage each, this also applies a dispellable DoT which does 1400 to 1750 nature damage every 2 seconds for eight seconds. Widow's Embrace prevents Faerlina form using this for 30 seconds. She will generally cast this once every 12 to 15 seconds however it can be earlier as it is on an 8 second cooldown.
  • Rain of Fire -This rain of fire spell casts an 8 yard AoE causing Fire damage of around 1750 to 2750 every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. This is cast every 6 to 18 seconds and can easily be stepped out of.
  • Frenzy - Every 60 to 80 seconds grand widow faerlina will enter a frenzy. This should be mitigated by Widow's Embrace which we will come to later. Frenzy increases Faerlina's damage by 150% her melee haste by 50% and she will hit for upwards of 15k damage during this time.
Explaining Grand Widow Faerlina's Worshippers.

Grand Widow Faerlina starts the fight with four Worshippers. These will need to be off tanked at the beginning of the fight, but should not be killed. Upon death the worshippers (in the ten man version of this boss fight) cast Widow's Embrace, which removes Faerlina's frenzy and silences her nature school for 30 seconds!

In 10 man Naxx Grand Widow Faerlina's Worshippers are immune to mind control, so should be taken down to about 5% one after another so they can be killed a the right time. Before you kill them take them close to Faerlina so you can guarantee their death!

Naxxramas 10 Man Guide Grand Widow Faerlina

Taking down the Naxx boss Grand Widow Faerlina is all about Raid Co-ordination, especially in the 10 man version of the instance. The trick to getting through the boss Faerlina is controlling the additional worshippers to remove Faerlina's Frenzy.

Killing Grand Widow Faerlina can be done relatively easily with two tanks, The off-tank should be able to handle the worshippers and should tank them under the stairs. They barely deal any damage so they should be fairly easy to handle.

The main tank should hold Faerlina, the DPS Should focus on Faerlina but must be prepared to help the off tank if they are having trouble getting down a worshippers health ready for frenzy.

The Worshippers should be handled to around 5% health ready for Faerlina's frenzy, this is pretty much crucial so the Worshipper can be killed at the right time.

The right time to kill a worshipper is just after frenzy hits, the worshipper to be killed must be taken close to Faerlina and then nuked down instantly to keep Faerlina's Frenzy as short as possible.

You need to repeat this strategy for every upcoming Frenzy to take down Grand Widow Faerlina effectively, failure to stop her frenzy can easily cause a wipe and can be near impossible to fight through for an inexperienced raid group.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Naxxramas 25 Man Guide Anub'Rekhan

Like in the 10 man version of Naxx Anub'Rekhan is the also the first boss you wil have to kill in the 25 man Naxxramas raid. This Naxx boss is fairly easy to deal with and in this naxx raid guide to 25 man Anub'Rekhan I wills how you how to take this boss down with no trouble at all.

Anub Rekhan has approximately 6,765,000 hp in the 25 man version of this instance and two Crypt Guards will spawn, both of whisch should be dealt with immediately.

The abilities of Anub'Rekhan in a 25 man raid mode can be devastating, but are easy enough to avoid if your raid group follows their instructions carefully.

Anub'Rekhan's abilities are,

  • Impale - Anub's single most instant damage ability, impale will select a target from your raid and damage that player and all raid members between them and Anub for 5600 to 7400 physical damage and throw each player affected by this AoE into the air, causing 50% fall damage when they hit the ground. for this reason your raid members should use any slow fall abilities possible when hit by this to help save from accidentla death as well as your healers Mana.
  • Locust Swarm - This ability has a 60 second cooldown, but is generally used every 70 to 120 seconds. It will first occur between 80 seconds and 120 seconds into the fight. The Locust swarm ability does several things. First off though, it is a 30 yard AoE that is focussed on and will move with Rekhan. It causes a DoT which does 1300 to 1700 stackign damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. it also has a complete silence, which removes all abilities including Shield Wall, Last Stand and Even Auto-Attack. This lasts for around 20 seconds. When this spell is cast Anub will also spawn another Crypt Guard, which must be dealt with immediately.
  • Summon Corpse Scarab - At regualr intervals during the fight Anub Rekhan will spawn Corpse Scarabs from teh corpses around the room, this differs from Crypt Guard and raid member corpses. Raid members will only spawn 5 Corpse Scarabs, whereas fallen Crypt Guards will spawn 10 Corpse Scarabs. Mages should stand near Crypt Guard corpses so tehy can frost nova the scarabs as soon as they spawn. You should take these down quickly, they only cause around 1k damage on cloth but this can be the difference between a successful raid boss takedown and a wipe!
Crypt Guards are mentioned a lot here, so I think they deserve a short section explaining their abilities. The crypt guard abilities are fairly simple but important to understand. They must be dealt with quickly to avoid them breaking up an wiping your raid.

The Crypt Guard have around 521,000 hp and their abilities are,
  • Cleave - An attack which does 110% damage spread over three targets.
  • Acid Spit - A Stacking DoT that hits for 500 Nature damage per stack every two seconds for ten seconds.
  • Frenzy - When the Crypt Guard reaches a low HP it will frenzy causing 50% extra damage and increasing it's attack speed by 60%

Anub'Rekhan 25 Man Strategy Guide

While this boss can be done with two tanks it is far preferable to have 3 tanks on the 25 man version of Anub'Rekhan. The main tank should focus on Anub while the other two pick up the Corpse Scarabs and Crypt Guards.

The main tank should pick up Anub'Rekhan and move him straight back to the spot where Anub spawned. The two off-tanks should pick up their crypt guards and take them close to Rekhan, at which point the DPS should work on nuking down these two adds.

The DPS themselves should spread out in semi circles around Anub Rekhan to help minimize the effects of Impale, the mages should however stand close to the deceased Crypt Guards to pick up the Scarabs that spawn with Frost Nova.

The real challenge of this fight is dealing with Anub'Rekhans Locust swarm. As soon as this hits your raid group should form two groups, the first should contain your tank, one or two healers (Depending on your tanks gear) and preferably a hunter. The hunter should enable aspect of the pack and the tank should kite Anub'Rekhan around the ring of slime while the healers keep him topped up. Preferably everyone should remain out of range of the locust swarm.

During this another Crypt Guard will spawn and should be picked up and destroyed by the rest of the raid. Once this phase is over the main tak should return Anub to his previous position and the DPS can continue as before untill the next Locust Swarm

Naxxramas 10 man Guide Anub'Rekhan

Anub'Rekhan is one of the firs bosses you will meet in the Naxxramas 10 man instance. He has some raid breaking abilities at his disposal but generally you will find he is considered one of the easiest bosses in Naxxramas, and is a good gear check for some of the upcoming bosses you will face in this particularly entertaining raid instance.

Anub'Rekhan deals a lot of physical and nature damage, as well as providing your raid group with some fairly difficult diversions to keep he fight interesting. he starts at around 2,230,000 hp and has some devestating abilities at his disposal. This raid does not really test your raid groups co-ordination too much, but the fight will be a good basic gear check. Anub'Rekhan will use various abilities during this fight, these are,

  • Impale - A devastating ability that targets a random player and hits every other player that stands between Anub and his target in a straight line. This AoE attack causes between 4800 and 6200 physical damage and will throw each player hit into the air causing 50% fall damage when they hit the ground. Slow fall abilities should be used here if possible to save your healers mana.
  • Locust Swarm - On a 60 second cool down but generally used every 70 to 120 seconds Locust swarm is fairly easy to avoid but can be devastating if not handled correctly. During this phase Anub'Rekhan slows to 60% of his speed and the AoE Locust Swarm affect appears for 30 yards around him. Your raid must move out of this as soon as possible. Locust swarm causes a stacking debuff for 875 to 1125 Nature damage every two seconds and gives a strong silence to anyone affected. This silence removes all players abilities, including shield wall, auto attack and last stand for the tank. When this is cast you will also find another crypt guard will spawn at Anub's initial spawn point, this should be taken by the off tank and moved away from the Locust Swarm.
  • Summon Corpse Scarabs - At regular intervals Anub'Rekhan will spawn corpse scarabs from the corpses around the room. it helps if your mages can frost nova these straight away but it is not always possible. Depending on which corpse Anub'Rekhan chooses different numbers of scarabs will spawn, Crypt Guards will spawn 10 and regular player corpses will spawn 5. For this reason mages should always stay close to the Crypt Guard Corpses. These will automatically attack random targets when spawned.
The crypt guards themselves are a major part of this fight, they have around 234,000 hp and have some dangerous attacks that must be deals with correctly. These guys should be taken down as soon as they spawn. The first one will appear 20 seconds in to the boss fight, the next ones will spawn after every locust swarm.

The Crypt Guard Abilities are,

  • Cleave - The Crypt Guard does 110% damage spread over 3 targets.
  • Acid Spit - A stacking DoT affect that causes 500 nature damage every 2 seconds for ten seconds
  • Frenzy - When they hit low HP the crypt guards will frenzy giving them an additional 50% damage and 60% haste.
Anub'Rekhan Strategy

Killing Anub'Rekhan needs only a relatively simple strategy, but can cause some problems, and even wipes for unprepared guild runs.

The most reliable strategy for dealing with Anub'Rekhan is to form two groups. One with a healer, your main tank and a hunter if available, the other with your off-tank and other raid members.

The group with your main tank should kite Anub around the edge of the slime circle, your healer should keep up HoTs to make any damage from the locust swarm negligible and leave him free to deal with any damage the tank may suffer from Rekhan directly.

The other group should deal with the spawned Crypt Guard, once taken down the group should then form a moving semi-circle around Anub'Rekhan and continue to deal damage to the Boss.