Introduction to the World of Warcraft Raid Guide

Welcome to WoW Raid Guide, an indepth guide to raiding in World of Warcraft the Wrath of the Lich King and beyond!
In this blog I will be writing walkthroughs and videos on how to take down those WoW raid bosses that have been giving your guild trouble, how to survive PUGs and how to advance into the end game content of World of Warcraft with step by step instructions and guides. Ontop of how to beat WoW instance bosses I will be giving boss and class information, helping you improve how you play your character and which professions may prove useful to you in and out of the instances and raids in World of Warcraft.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

For Sale - A Sad Day, But Inevitable

At it's peak, WoW Raid Guide was pulling in over 2000 visitors a day, I loved being able to help people out with Boss guides, and I played WoW avidly.

Around four/five years ago the World of Warcraft experience changed drastically in my eyes.  Blizzards constant attempt to make everything 'balanced' in the name of PVP made choices somewhat constrained, and with the ever moving trend towards blandness, I lost interest.

In reality it has been years since i have picked up World of Warcraft.  I tried briefly to get back in to it, but I knew instantly, the game I once loved, that I was invested in, was now gone.

For others, WoW is still a passion, and though I can no longer care for this blog, now averaging a mere 20 visits a day, I am putting feelers out there for any serious buyers.

Though the traffic has dropped significantly, there is a lot of strength behind this blog, and though no one searches for the original instances, any update to this blog should do well.

At an average period in this blogs life it was making me around $5 a day on average, with affilaite commissions on to of that for the advertised game guides. Now it gets about 20 visitors a day and the earnings are more like $5 a month, but with a little work and some more recent raid guides, I am confident you could turn this site back in to a winner!

I honestly do not have the drive to do this myself, I no longer have the first hand raiding knowledge, and without doing the raids myself, I simply cannot give my readers a decent guide.

If you are serious, but dont have the investment capital, I would also be willing to do a potential revenue share.

Any inquiries can be made to